Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Sixth Sunday of Easter + Rogate

My friends, bring the anguish and tribulations of your heart to the foot of the cross where Christ Jesus has taken them upon Himself, call out in His name to your Father in heaven, and then listen to the voice of Jesus and receive the life and peace of your risen and triumphant Savior this day.

Text: John 16:23-33


Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation…."


These aren't just the words of Jesus; these are the words of His Father in the Garden as He spoke to your first parents, Adam and Eve.
         To the woman, he said,
“I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing;
         in pain, you shall bring forth children.      


And to Adam, God said,
Cursed is the ground because of you;
         in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life.


These words confirm that while dwelling in this world, man will experience tribulation in the simple process of feeding and providing for his family. While the woman, your first mother, and all mothers would endure and experience the pains and sorrow of conceiving and bearing children.


What follows the Fall is that Adam named His wife Eve "because she was the mother of all living.” She was a life-giver. Yet, the anguish of this life is realized as her firstborn, Cain, rises to take the life of his very brother (and her son), Abel.


What distress and affliction Eve, "the life-giver," must have felt. One life she bore, taken by the hand of another. Her son Cain wandered off and failed to listen to the very voice of God she, too, had failed to heed, the voice of warning.


The voice of Jesus also provides us today with a warning and comfort; he says,
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."


So often, we see the tribulations of this life as external things that we might conquer or people we may defeat.


However, while tribulation is often caused by an external matter, man's heart is most severely harmed and wounded by these moments and times Jesus warns of – the moments of distress, affliction, and oppression.


For this reason, the real genesis of our tribulations resides in our heart, those matters of life, often only known to us and God, the items and sins we silently carry with us, press in and weigh upon the mind and heart – those who join Hannah in the barrenness of the womb, finding themselves in the “bitterness of soul, and [praying] to the Lord and weeping in anguish.” (1 Sam. 1:10 NKJV). Or those who continue to mourn the child's death who never would inhale the air of this world or feel a mother’s embrace. Or those who weep with the mothers and fathers of Bethlehem’s holy innocents when the lives of schoolchildren are taken through senseless violence.


Still, there is the destruction of relationships that pit you against your brother or sister in Christ, as Cain rises against Abel. The jealousy of your heart, the different political views, the arguments over how to best care for your aging parents.


Unlike Abel, your adversaries still walk this earth, but in your heart, they have already been struck down and killed.


What do you do with this hurt and anger you harbor?


You know, a couple of weeks ago, we heard Jesus say,
A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish or joy that a human being has been born into the world. Therefore you now have sorrow, but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. (John 16:21-22)


Here, the Greek word for “anguish” is the same as tribulation, θλιψις, so the idea here is that once the labor and pain of giving birth are passed, it is gone, and what remains is joy and peace.


This image of childbirth also relates to Israel’s suffering, captivity, and deliverance. But more, it foreshadows Christ Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection that first Easter morning. Into the womb of the grave, His body will go, but triumphantly, Jesus will rise – He will bring to you and deliver to you the joy of His victory - His peace.


So now, for those who continue to experience the sorrows and anguish of life, Jesus says to you, “whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.”


And no, this does not imply the Father will grant you the children of the womb you may desperately want, nor does it mean your labors of providing for your family will ease in life. 


But, it does declare to you that the joy of His peace is present for you today. This is what Jesus says your heavenly Father wishes to give each of you who are hurt and are oppressed, His eternal peace.


So, what does this mean for today? It means we must learn and remember again these words of David, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you.” Psalm 50:15a


This verse leads us into the Divine Service where our humble voices and lives cry out with all the Church on earth to the One who can and does grant help in our great times of distress and need.


In fact, Luther calls the Church:
Our free mother… the bride of Christ who gives birth to all. She goes on giving birth to children without interruption until the end of the world, as long as she exercises the ministry of the Word, that is, as long as she preaches and propagates the Gospel; for this is what it means for her to give birth.[1]


This ministry of new birth is carried out as the children of Christ are taken into the womb of the font and delivered to new life by the baptismal waters of Christ that continue to flow over you this day.


As Jesus said to Nicodemus, 
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3:5-6)


So, you are invited to live in the baptismal birth of water and spirit always, being led by the Holy Spirit that dwells within you to the altar where you will be fed not with the fading food of life that was produced with thorns and thistles but with the heavenly food of Christ Jesus Himself.


This is how the Church continues to give birth and care for her dear children on earth.


You know, it’s striking to reflect on Jesus’ last words from the cross. While our words often hurt and harm, His words confessed love and care, especially for His mother. 


The Gospel of John says,
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!" And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own home.


This is an image of the Church today. Jesus makes Mary a new Eve from the cross if you will. Mary is now the mother of the Seed born of woman, foreshadowed in the Garden - He who now gives true and eternal life.


While Mary now embraces John as her son, so John is entrusted with the care of Jesus’ mother. So here you now have a new family formed in Jesus under the cross, quite frankly, formed under the anguish and tribulation of life.


But look at this family above our altar, see the statues of Mary and John; they aren’t looking at us, they aren’t looking at each other, they aren’t saying, “Pray to me!” either. No, they’re looking to Christ and pointing all of us, as their words and confessions always have, to the One who has conquered this world and the afflictions of your life.


His arms, now extended, embrace, and invite you into His Church.


So, come to where Christ is present for you – where He unites and commands you to embrace one another as brothers and sisters of His family.


My friends, bring the anguish and tribulations of your heart to the foot of the cross where Christ Jesus has taken them upon Himself, call out in His name to your Father in heaven, and then listen to the voice of Jesus and receive the life and peace of your risen and triumphant Savior this day. +INJ+

 Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
         He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!

Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA





[1] Luther, M. (1999). Luther’s works, vol. 26: Lectures on Galatians, 1535, Chapters 1-4. (J. J. Pelikan, H. C. Oswald, & H. T. Lehmann, Eds.) (Vol. 26, p. 441). Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House.

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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Third Sunday of Easter + Misericordias Domini

Text: John 10:11-16


Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

What sweet words of life for the Lord of Life! They’re simply joyful to say and bring happiness to the most melancholy hearts.

Yet, we do not live in a time when life is treasured and revered as it ought. Instead, the world around us reveals a culture of death.

This dichotomy of these cultures’ pit life and death in what appears as an ongoing battle some 2000 years after Christ’s resurrection.

This battle was on full display as competing voices of death and life were gathered at the steps of the United State Supreme Court in 2021 as they heard oral arguments regarding the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization – the case that would eventually overturn Roe v. Wade.

That day, it was quite the scene with barricades in a line down the middle to separate the two groups. The voices of the two sides couldn't be more different. Their words are a tale of two stories – two worldviews and cultures. A culture of life and another of death.

While the Dobbs victory and overturning of Roe was a great one for life. It was still a judicial and legal victory. While it saves life (thankfully!), it ultimately will not create the culture of life we so desperately need. This is a different thing altogether.

Ultimately, when you get to the basis of belief, these two cultures on display before the Supreme Court were formed by the behaviors, beliefs, and values taught and handed down from one generation to the next. Often (but not always) in a home or a classroom.

So, what type of culture can be found within your home, and how is it being formed and nurtured in the hearts of your family?

In another way, one should ask whose voice forms your heart's faith. Is it the Good Shepherd and the Lord of Life, or have you permitted the ancient enemy, the wolf, to enter your ears and snatch the joy of your heart, scattering you from the sheepfold?

Regrettably, we have welcomed the voice of the wolf into our lives all too easily.

Look at the video games your children have become addicted to, the movies you watch, and the news that “informs” you of what is happening throughout the world. What your families consume often fills your lives with a flood of tragedy. Leading you to bouts of depression, anger, and a mental health crisis of epic proportions – which is tragically increasing among the young and adolescents.

Further, recent research demonstrates most of the news and information today is of the negative sort – meant to stir up emotions and outrage in a person. So it should not shock us that even we, people of life, see the joy of Easter fade from our lips so quickly in the shadows of Christ’s tomb.

Think about this: what we consume for entertainment, news, and information is like food for the body, revealing a culture of death that transcends abortion and assisted suicide. It lives in your heart and is displayed in how the wolf uses your tongue to hurt and murder your neighbors with your very words.

So, how is this culture altered? How do you guard your heart and the door of your lips against such a dark and perverted world?

You begin by ceasing to wander as sheep that have gone astray; instead, turn, repent of your sin, and open your ears first to the voice of your true Shepherd. Listen to the voice of Jesus as He says, "I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep."

Did you hear that “The good shepherd lays down His life for His sheep?" He sacrifices Himself for you.

In other words, the fight of this life isn’t yours at all – rather, it resides with Jesus and His cross.

That means you are now simply called to confess Him in this world. And learning to confess Jesus begins in your homes.

So, what are the loudest voices in your home today? What receives the most significant priority? Sports, music lessons, a continuation of the day’s work, television, your phone?

Examining and identifying these items will begin to reveal what is genuinely forming the hearts and minds of your family, not only today but for the days and years to come.

If you want to change this culture, learn and teach your home to confess Jesus. This has to happen in the home church before you can be expected to confess Him in your lives and out among the people of this world.

But what does it mean to confess Jesus? It simply means hearing His voice and then repeating His Words into your neighbor's ears.

Remember, the fight of this life isn't yours – rather, it resides with Jesus.

Therefore, His voice must be heard and then transform the hearts of those who dwell in the shadows of death through the work of the Holy Spirit.      

The culture we seek must begin with the voice of Jesus. His voice must be on your lips as you speak to your family and friends. His words must be your confession as you venture to school and work because, through them, the very community and culture the Church is called to pasture in are formed by the voice of Life Himself.  

As Peter said to Jesus earlier in the Gospel of John, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. (John 6:68)

The battle of life and death is not yours, but as we sang the last two weeks in Christians, to the Paschal Victim,

Death and life have contended
In that combat stupendous:
The Prince of life, who died,
Reigns immortal.

While the dichotomy of cultures pits life and death in an ongoing battle still today, you know the end and how the Lord of Life has won.

So hear and learn to confess Jesus in your lives, walks, vocations, and homes - read the Scriptures together, pray together, and sing with one another. In this way, God the Holy Spirit will form your behaviors and beliefs, giving you the words to speak so the people around you not only hear but know the voice of the Good Shepherd because while the wolf still growls, Your Shepherd has struck him with a fatal blow, knocking out his teeth through His death upon the cross. From this point forward, his bite will only last one bitter hour, whereas the Shepherd has prepared an eternal home for you in the pastures of His Father’s land.

What great joy this is for you!

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday, so learn again how to be His little lambs. Learn to trust in Jesus to care for and defend you – in life and death.

There is no doubt that as you look around this world, all you will see is a world of decay. However, the joy of Easter reminds you how your Savior, Jesus Christ shattered death's reign over a man and transformed the grave into a portal to life everlasting.

So come and follow the baptismal waters to the table He has prepared for you in the face of your enemies, take the food of His flesh into yourself, and trust in your Good Shepherd to remain with you all the days of your life.  +INJ+

 Alleluia! Christ is risen! Amen.


Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA


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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Second Sunday of Easter + Quasimodo Geniti

So rejoice that Jesus continues to enter into our lives of disorder to speak the words of absolution through His pastors. And then He opens His wounds to you as you are invited to take the flesh of His body into your hands, and the chalice upon your lips at this rail, and He says to you again, His troubled little lamb, “Peace to you!”

Text: John 20:19-31


“Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

As a pastor, especially in the school, I receive a question: "Who gives you the right to forgive my sins?"

The answer is timeless and never changes - “Jesus!”

It's the best answer and the best place to start for all things theological – the words of Jesus.

Just as we heard Jesus speaking to the Apostles in the Gospel today,
[He] said to them again, "Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you." And when He had said this, He breathed on them, saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

The Word of Christ is the authority granted to the Church on earth for lowly pastors (human men) to announce the forgiveness of sins to the repentant sinner – true words of comfort and peace.

But, I fear our love of self and independence hinders our faith and the churchly order God has established to announce His grace to His Church on earth.

Luther rightly stated in the Large Catechism:
“Everything, therefore, in the Christian Church is ordered toward this goal: we shall daily receive in the Church nothing but the forgiveness of sin through the Word and signs (sacraments), to comfort and encourage our consciences as long as we live here” (LC II 55).[1]

But the conscience that does not audibly hear the peace of Christ Jesus in the absolution of sin cannot know this joy. Remember, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17) So, without this hearing of God’s Word of absolution, the conscience remains bound up in the terrors of sin and death.

In other words, one remains intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually locked up behind the doors of sin. The door is only opened when Christ opens it through His peace. He now speaks to His Church through the apostles and pastors He sends to be among those who remain shut up from the sin caused by the fears of this life.

A new phobia I’ve learned of is Cleithrophobia, which is the fear of being trapped or locked in a confined space.

If you recall, the disciples in the Gospel today found themselves locked up behind closed doors – “For fear of the Jews.”

At the root of this locking and shutting of the door for the disciples and those who suffer from Cleithrophobia is κλείω“to shut or to lock.”

The challenge is that if you have been shut in or locked up in your conscience and heart, you cannot release yourself from what consumes you.

What kept the disciples held up was "Fear."

And guess what the Greek word is for fear? That's right, φόβος. Which means phobia.

Just as the Apostles were fearful of the Jews, the world will tell you today to fear your neighbor, fear the person of the opposite political view, and fear the government.

But are these really the genesis of your phobias in life? Are they really what keeps you trapped and locked behind the walls of your heart? Or is there a more profound fear that has brought disorder to your life? Silencing your confession.

Maybe the greatest fear in life is a loss of control. Perhaps you can't handle others taking the lead.

Or maybe your fear resides in your inability to enter where the seeds of sin and distrust have been sown between you and your neighbor, co-worker, fellow Immanuelite, or family member.

Or do you suffer from bouts of melancholy and anger that have you bound in isolation?

You will never have any semblance of peace if you are unwilling to open your ears and permit Christ’s greeting of peace to pierce your darkness. So, likewise, and in good order, you will never be able to enter and confess this peace to your neighbor in need unless you are willing to enter their darkness with this Word of peace.

Quite honestly, it’s all so frightening, confronting the phobias of your life, the fears that lead you into unbelief – your sin and the people of your life.

As you know, one thing you should avoid online is looking at the signs and symptoms of a disorder or disease. Still, I did anyway, and did you know the signs and symptoms of Cleithrophobia can also be related to the signs and symptoms of sin and a lack of confession:

  • Chest pain

  • Chills

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Dizziness

  • Fear of losing control

  • Nausea

  • Racing heartbeat

  • Shaking

  • Sweating

Isn’t this how you feel when you are at odds with a spouse or a friend? Isn’t this how you feel when you are unwilling to forgive another who stands before you or find yourself trapped in that sin of unbelief?

If so, you aren't alone, and the website is correct when they say these signs may be life-threatening if left untreated. That is why these feelings of sorrow and guilt you experience should drive you to hear and exclaim the Easter message of peace again, “Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

This message of peace frees you, the captive, from the fears and phobias that threaten to paralyze and trap you.

This message is a corporate confession of faith - it confesses with all of Christendom that great Easter message of peace. Or in another way, that the day of forgiveness has arrived.

So, as the introit for this Sunday says, we need to “put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.

He is good, kind, and charitable. For even as your faith falters like that of the disciples, Jesus does not leave or forsake you but returns to you again and again and again.

So rejoice as I do that Jesus continues to enter into our lives of disorder to speak the words of absolution through His pastors. And then He opens His wounds to you as you are invited to take the flesh of His body into your hands, and the chalice upon your lips at this rail, and He says to you again, His troubled little lamb, “Peace to you!”

“Peace to you!”
- This is why pastors stand not only before you today but are called to crossover into the muck and dwell with you in your homes, your lives, your misery, and personal prisons - to announce the good news they’ve been called and sent to proclaim – the news that frees you from your fears and the imprisonment of your heart.

So rejoice for the incredible ways Jesus continues to reveal Himself to you today, and having heard with your ears and received with your lips, let your heart join Thomas in confessing before Jesus, “My Lord and my God!”

And then depart and confess these words of Easter joy in your lives for all to hear:

“Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

“Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

“Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

There are no truer words of peace! Amen!

Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA

[1] Luther. (2017). Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation (p. 315). St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.

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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Easter Vigil + This is the Night…

This is the night your heavenly Father has kept His promise of old. His Son Jesus Christ, the light of the world, has led you, His child, out of the darkness of death and the grave to the light of His everlasting life; He forgives all your sins and assures you forevermore through His abiding Word.

Text: John 20:1


Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

We entered the sanctuary this evening in the silent darkness of night. It's uncomfortable and eerie. We do not like the darkness nor the silence it contains. But, in fact, we are not people of the darkness, nor were we created to be silent creatures.

Yet, “In the beginning…The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.” (Genesis 1:1-2)

Out of this darkness, “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.” (Genesis 1:3-4)

The light of God’s creation was without impurity.

However, Adam and Eve, the image of God, created in human form, destroy the goodness of God's creation through their fall into sin and death, your fall into sin and death.

The Serpent who led your mother, Eve, and father, Adam, into this pit now strives to lead a history of humanity into a permeating darkness of death - a shadow that now creeps closer for each of you with each step you take throughout this life.

For this reason, it's easy to be led into believing with the disciples and followers of Jesus that the cross is the end, death is the final word, and the darkness now wins.

But as we heard at Christmas, 
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:1-5)

Hear these words again, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

In the Gospel just read, Mary Magdalene proceeded to the tomb and grave of Jesus “While it was still dark.”

It’s a beautiful pattern of Scripture we see here, God’s people are often met by darkness, but the darkness always gives way to the Light.

It’s been the pattern of life since the Lord of Life Himself first spoke creation into existence, and now, as we meet the silent darkness of this night – we learn to say again with Mary Magdalene the great Easter news, “Alleluia! Christ is risen!”

“He is risen indeed! Alleluia!”

And for this reason – “this is the night when all who believe in Christ are delivered from bondage to sin and are restored to life and immortality.”

“This is the night when Christ, the Life, arose from the dead. The seal of the grave is broken, and the morning of the new creation breaks forth out of night.”
(Easter Proclamation)

So run to the darkness of the baptismal font’s grave and bring your anger, envy, and malice - drown these chains of sin and death in the life-giving flood of baptismal waters.

And then rejoice as God raises you in the Light of His reconciling act of redemption!

For this is the night your heavenly Father has kept His promise of old. His Son Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, has led you, His child, out of the darkness of death and the grave to the Light of His everlasting life; He forgives all your sins and assures you forevermore through His abiding Word.

So shout for joy, for creation is restored, sing with the Mary Magdalene, sing with the saints and angels heaven's song - your Savior lives.

Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!


Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA











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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Good Friday + Chief Service

For all of you this night, Pilate announces, “Behold the Man!”

Text: John 18-19


“What is man?”

In the beginning, God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” (Genesis 1:26)

What is this image and likeness?

A child is an image of their parent – their appearance, receding hairlines, how they walk, and how they talk.

But, the likeness and image of the Creator reside deeper than flesh. Man, like Adam, receives God's character – God's law, His will written upon the heart.

Genesis goes on to say, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it." (Genesis 2:15). The man carries out the will of God as a manager and steward of creation. His labors are not punishment, nor are they toilsome.

Yet, the question is often asked, what if Adam didn't sin? Or, why didn’t God prevent Adam from being led into the Serpent's temptation?

God did not create Adam to be some sort of mechanized being.

Rather, as we confess in the meaning of the Creed, we learn how he was given as you have been given - body and soul, eyes, ears, and all your members, reason and senses, and the promise that God will continue to care for them – Adam was given the ability to reason, to think, and to speak.

Thus the first temptation of Scripture began with the ancient Serpent leading Eve, Adam’s wife, into doubting God's Word before turning both of them to reject it and ending with Adam and Eve as their own arbiters of right and wrong.

Here it is said, “[The devil] turned Adam and Eve into enthusiasts. He led them away from God’s external Word to spiritualizing and self-pride.” (SA III VIII 5) He led them to seek a word outside of God.

From this moment in time and throughout the ages, philosophers and worldviews have struggled to answer the question, “What is man?”

Is he the product of a god that creates and then walks away from his creation? Or was Adam created as a single substance mutating in time? Or is man a free and responsible agent, determining his development through the acts of his own free will? 

These philosophies and worldviews rely upon the mind and will of man separated from God. They revolve around the created, answering the question of creation while becoming lords over the Creator.

All the worldviews and philosophies of our time reveal the brokenness of a world no longer connected to its Creator and His love. Love that did not abandon His fallen creation but continued to care for it by sending His only begotten Son into it to become Man through His incarnation.

The incarnation – meaning the enfleshment of Jesus Christ, the God-Man.

Jesus becomes the Second Adam, "By the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary," He becomes, as Daniel prophecies, the Son of Man, “because He was born of a human mother and assumed all the properties of a true, natural man, yet without sin.”

But, when Pilate announces to the crowd, "Behold the Man!" He reveals to you this night your Lord and your God, He who was handed over to death for the many ways you, like Adam, failed to be a steward of the greatest gifts God entrusts to your care – your fellow man.

So by saying, "Behold the Man!" Pilate uncovers how your evil thoughts of neighbor are the crown of thorns that pricked and stuck the head of Christ.

"Behold the Man!" Confesses how your sinful words toward God and man alike are the spit which splattered upon the face of Christ.

"Behold the Man!" Reveals how your evil deeds and misgivings have whipped and scourged your Christ.

For all of you this night, Pilate announces, “Behold the Man!”

As Isaiah foretells,
There is no beauty that we should desire Him.
         He is despised and rejected by men,
         A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
         And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him. (Isaiah 53:2b-3)

But, for you, the cross becomes the instrument in which “God demonstrates His own love toward [you], in that while [you] were still sinners, Christ died for [you].” (Romans 5:8). In this way, the Creator reveals His compassion and continual care for you, His creation.

Yet, as you depart this night, there is another brief sermon to take with you…

After Jesus’ death, Joseph of Arimathea petitioned Pilate for the body of the Lord so that he and Nicodemus could place it in a tomb within a garden.

As in so many instances, names matter; if you examine the name of Nicodemus, it is a compound of two words. The first is Nikos (or, as many of you would say, Nike), meaning "Victory." And the second demos, meaning "People."

Do you hear that? Into the ground, into the tomb, Nicodemus is placing God’s Son – the Son of Man, He who is the victor of the very men and people who have persecuted Him and caused His Passion – you!

Through the use of Nicodemus, God's victory over sin, the devil, and the world is already being proclaimed.

As you depart this night, take this joy with you, treasure it in your heart, and return with it as we prepare to sing our praises for the resurrection and victory of the Son of Man. +INJ+


Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA




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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Palm Sunday

For this purpose, your procession today now teaches you how to pray and live again. The words of the crowds are now your words and patterns of speech, grafted into your hearts as we gather here each week and prepared to be led to the Holy Supper, where Christ awakens faith and grants you forgiveness and everlasting life.

Text: John 12:12-19


Where are you going?

It’s a question children are asked in various ways and at various times as they mature and grow.

It’s a question we ask ourselves as trouble appears, hindering our steps throughout this troubled life.

It’s a question we try to discern as we depart the graves of our loved ones, intending to move forward and out of the shadows of death.

Where are you going?

In the chapter preceding the Gospel reading from St. John today, Jesus’ friend Lazarus had died. Having heard of Lazarus’ illness, Jesus said to the disciples, “Let us go to Judea again.” (John 11:7)

Why is Jesus taking His disciples to Judea again? He says, “Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up.” (John 11:11)

When it says, “Our friend Lazarus sleeps,” the Greek word for “Sleeps” is “koimeterion,” which is also where we get the word “cemetery” from today. A more literal translation might be a bedroom or a sleeping place for the dead.

So, Jesus will now go to awake and arouse Lazarus from his deep sleep, demonstrating His dominion over life and death.

Still, even as Jesus, the God-Man, approaches the tomb of His friend, He is not without emotion. Instead, the shortest verse of Scripture confesses the great humility and love Jesus has for His brothers and sisters. 

“Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)

Saint Augustine will say, “Why did Christ weep except to teach us to weep?”

The procession of mankind’s history has been flooded by the tears and weeping of men and women.

After their fall into sin, your first parents, Adam and Eve, proceeded out of the Garden and into a life of tears, pain, and thorns of the flesh, accompanied by a promised return to the dust of the earth.

The sin of your first parents abides with you today as you make your procession to the grave and one day return to the dust of the earth.

What is it that will kill you?

The same things were already killing the Disciples: betrayal, denial, the sleep and slumber of unbelief.

Yet, the purpose of this Great Week resides in the tears and compassion of Jesus, to redeem you and His Disciples from the bondage of sin and death.

While we process into the sanctuary this day, we do so that we might enter Jerusalem once again with Christ Jesus and participate in the events of His Passion.

Our procession began with the same cries of the crowds that first Palm Sunday:
  ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’”

Hosanna: Save us now! Come and help us, Lord Jesus Christ.

But the week will continue and bring us to Maundy Thursday as Judas betrays his teacher for the wealth of this world. A decision Judas almost immediately regrets and reveals to us how our choices, words, and actions have eternal consequences.

While there is forgiveness, there is no going back in time. No way to take back our words or deeds.

Still, the night will grow deeper, and you must contend with the door of your lips and the confession of your heart.

Are you stronger than faithful Peter? Or, like Peter, has Satan scandalized, tempted, and caused your confession of faith to stumble?

The rooster continues to crow, and it now sounds for you who turn away from your Savior and rest in a selfish faith and trust in yourself.

The events of this Holy Week should cause you to ask the question, where are you going? Where is your faith leading you?

What remains true some two thousand years after Jesus walked this earth is that this week continues to be a reflection of your life.

While it begins with joyous cheering and hopes of redemption, it is met with failure, self-centered pride, and temporal greed for power, money, and control.

Still, the Jesus we sing to today will complete the promised journey of redemption as He assumes His place upon the altar of Good Friday. His death now restores what was lost by your first parents as they took of the Garden’s forbidden tree - His blood is the new wine that now flows from the tree of the cross and gives unto you new life.

So, even while this week's events lead you to Calvary’s cross, they also lead you out of the grave, awaken you from the sleep of unbelief, and raise you to new life.

For this purpose, your procession today now teaches you how to pray and live again. The words of the crowds are now your words and patterns of speech, grafted into your hearts as we gather here each week and prepared to be led to the Holy Supper, where Christ awakens faith and grants you forgiveness and everlasting life.

My friends, don't approach this week and life idly, but learn again from the Sanctus to say and sing:

“Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.”

Permit these words to lead you to trust deeply in your Savior, Jesus Christ; He continues to proceed into your lives to redeem you from the throes of death itself. In fact, He entered and sanctified the graves of the faithful so that you may go to the grave confidently, trusting that you will be awakened as Lazarus and led into eternal life on the last day.

The solemn time for weeping and mourning over sin and death has never been closer and more present, so look up and see how your Jesus leads you to His cross.

Then cry out to Him with loud Hosannas and rejoice that He now saves you.  

Even the grave will not keep you, but His Word will call and arouse you with Lazarus and all the faithful to everlasting life. +INJ+

The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.


Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA



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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

A Story of Grandparents

My mother recently gave me one of my elementary or junior high school writing projects. You know, the kind you never want to look back and read. My experience is that mementos of your childhood are kept for blackmail or embarrassment later in life! (Ha!)

My mother recently gave me one of my elementary or junior high school writing projects. You know, the kind you never want to look back and read. My experience is that mementos of your childhood are kept for blackmail or embarrassment later in life! (Ha!)

But this brief paper is truly a keepsake and a reminder of my Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's love for each other. It was a love that beamed brightly and shined upon my mother and us grandchildren.

I hope you'll take a read, and if you knew my grandparents, think of them with as much fondness and love as I had for them.

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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Lent 2

Text: Matthew 15:21-28



Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


The Canaanite woman in today’s Gospel is in a wilderness.


Last week we heard how Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, but this week, the Canaanite woman is in a wilderness of her own.


There are powers of darkness pressing in upon her. She feels helpless as her daughter has become possessed by a deep evil, the disciples of Jesus just want her and her petitions for help to be silenced and sent away, and the One she believes to be the Son of David calls her a lapdog.


What a lonely, uninspiring, and hopeless situation for the woman.


Parents can sympathize with this Canaanite. When a child becomes sick, there is often very little you can do to “make them better.” But all you want to do as you hold the child is take their illness into yourself, that they might be freed from their infirmity.


This is what the Canaanite wants; she desires her daughter to be freed from her infirmity of evil and possession. But she cannot free her daughter herself but requires help from outside her.


For this reason, this gentile outcast looks to Jesus as He travels through the region of Tyre and Sidon. Her efforts were futile, and in her time of great need, she looked to the One whose name was spreading beyond the courts of Israel. She looks to Jesus and pleas for His mercy – His compassion and healing.


Yet, Scripture says, “[Jesus] answered her not a word.”


Jesus' demeanor and continence today lead us to question what kind of Lord is this? He does not appear to us as the Savior we have traditionally been taught to love. Instead, He’s indifferent to the needs of the Canaanite woman and, as Luther remarks, “as silent as a stump.” (Martin Luther, AE 76, Page 379)


Nonetheless, the Canaanite still sought Jesus and wasn’t going to relent. She says, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed.”


Her plea is packed with theological significance.  


First, she recognizes Jesus as both true God and true man, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David!


Her plea sees Jesus as the object of her faith.


The usage of “Lord” throughout the Gospel of Matthew is common for the disciples because their faith is, in fact, placed in Jesus, whereas it is striking that this gentile woman who is outside of Israel would address the Son of David in such as way.


But that's just it; to call Jesus the "Son of David" not only confesses Him as the promised Messiah of Israel but also reveals that He is born of Mary, born of man – true God and true man.


For this Canaanite, Jesus is her only hope to rescue and redeem her beloved child from the present darkness.


So often in life, it takes situations where all our strength is either stripped away before we realize only Jesus, who endured the temptations of the devil and died upon the cross, can save us from the things that truly possess our hearts - the insecurities of employment, resentment for your neighbor, or anger towards family. Or for others, the heart is possessed by the concern for what might become or possess a child as they grow, mature, and depart the home for the wildernesses of this world. Yet, others continue to wrestle with God and the desire to have children.


All of this reveals to us that we all experience possessions of the heart as a result of our first parents' sin. The question is, with this knowledge, are we willing to humble ourselves before God our Father? Are we willing to admit no good comes from within us that was not first planted by the seed of God's Word and the work of the Holy Spirit?


The liturgy serves as a fertile ground for training the heart of the Christian to humble themselves and learn to pray and petition God the Father for His mercy and help. And if you think about it, this is a whole-body exercise – we go to our knees, often bowing our heads, while lifting our voices and praying in the Kyrie or Agnus Dei – “Lord, have mercy upon me.”


This posture confesses our inability to free ourselves of the result of sin while consistently and persistently teaching us to cry out to Jesus as the only One who can grant us relief from the many things that possess our families and us throughout this pilgrimage.


Still, you may sympathize with the Canaanite's repeated requests of Jesus as you had also experienced times when it appeared your prayers were met with the deaf ears of Jesus. But Luther provides us these words regarding the perception Jesus does not care for the woman or answer her pleas, he says:

[Jesus] does not say, “I will not listen to you,” but is silent and says neither yes nor no… Also He does not say that [the woman] is not of the house of Israel, but that He was sent only to the house of Israel [Matt. 15:24]… [Further] He does not say, "You are a dog, and we should not give you the children's bread"; rather, "It is not right [to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs]" [Matt. 15:26]… Nevertheless, all three points sound more like no than yes, even though there is more yes than no…In fact, there is only yes [cf. 1 Cor. 1:19–20], it [just] looks like no.[1]


Often our prayers appear to be met with silence or indifference. But we must also remember to seek God where He has promised to be and where He continues to speak to us and reveal His will for us – in His Word.


As we heard in last week’s Gospel, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ” (Matthew 4:4)


The Word of God is the peace that frees us and our hearts from bondage and temptation.


And as the Baptized, you not only have His Word, but you also possess His name. Wyatt and Emerson received this joy today. They were made children of their heavenly Father, and the unclean spirits of Satan that once possessed them were exercised from their hearts. However, this does not assure them of a life of walking on sunshine, but quite the opposite.


Luther writes,
Remember, then, that it is no joke to take sides against the devil and not only to drive him away from the little child, but to burden the child with such a mighty and lifelong enemy. Remember too that it is very necessary to aid the poor child with all your heart and strong faith, earnestly to intercede for him/her that God, in accordance with this prayer, would not only free him from the power of the devil, but also strengthen him, so that he may nobly resist the devil in life and death.


So, from this day forward, the life of Wyatt and Emerson and all of us is to be a life of persistent prayer and petitions for help and redemption.


And you can make these prayers because you have received the Holy Name of God in Baptism, and as we sang in the opening hymn, "I bind unto myself today, the strong name of the Trinity…."


The strong name is now to be your guard:
       Against the demon snares of sin,
   The vice that gives temptation force,
The natural lusts that war within,
    The hostile foes that mar [your] course…


What a joy it is to receive this Holy Name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for in it, you are a child of God, and He now fights for you and frees you from all possession of sin.


This is the thing about baptism; it gathers all believers, gentiles, and outcasts who reside in the wildernesses of life into Christ Jesus and provides them the source, foundation, and assurance for their prayers.


As we journey through this Lent, examine what possesses your heart, what have you been unable to heal or change? Then learn from the Canaanite woman and with persistent faith, cry out to your Savior, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! Trusting that the God Israel has come into the wildernesses of your life, He hears your pleas, and through His death and resurrection, you have mercy, forgiveness, and eternal life. +INJ+


Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA

[1] Luther, M. (2013). Gospel for the Second Sunday in Lent. In B. T. G. Mayes, J. L. Langebartels, & C. B. Brown (Eds.), Luther’s Works: Church Postil II (Vol. 76, p. 381). Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.

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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Lent 1 Midweek

Text: Luke 22:24-32


Who is the greatest?


Many of us know these words of Muhammad Ali, “I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.”


But Ali said many other things like, “It's hard to be humble when you're as great as I am."


These boastful words are sadly a manifestation not only of Muhammad Ali's heart but of mankind.


A boxer might say these things because they believe positive thinking will produce a degree of positive results. Or maybe they are striving to get into the heads of their opponents before a punch is thrown. But you manifest these thoughts of the heart in actions and words whenever you turn away from God to seek earthly dominion and glory.


The Apostles in the Gospel tonight find themselves locked in a great dispute over which one of them is the greatest. Like many family disputes, it follows a wonderful meal, where our Lord institutes a Supper given to us for the forgiveness of sin. But, how quickly the sacredness of the evening flees and the idol of oneself is propagated.


Jesus hears their silliness and says to them, “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those in authority over them are called benefactors. But not so with you. Rather, let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the leader as one who serves.”


In other words, stop viewing greatness through the lens of this world and its leaders. Instead, look to me and answer this question, “For who is the greater, one who reclines at the table or one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at table? But I am among you as the one who serves.”


Jesus presents the Great Reversal; man's greatness is not in being served or lavished with gifts and accolades throughout this life but in serving his neighbor.


So, if the Apostles really wanted to settle their dispute, they would do as Paul wrote, “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo[ing] one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10)


Or as Paul says in Philippians:
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:5-8)


This is how Jesus serves you, the prideful man who exchanges verbal blows with a neighbor or looks for accolades of praise; he lowers Himself to humanity and then takes your place on the cross of Good Friday. By doing so, He completes the Great Reversal by taking your sin into Himself and giving you His righteousness, His forgiveness.


Jesus is not the leader the world likes to see.


He's the Great Savior the world needs.


Jesus is now the icon we must follow.


Gregory the Great wrote:
Therefore, it should be said to the humble that whenever they lower themselves, they ascend to the likeness of God. At the same time, it should be said to the proud that whenever they take pride in themselves, they fall into imitation of the apostate angel. And what could be worse than pride, which by holding itself above everything, so unwinds itself from the stature of true greatness? And what is more sublime than humility, which by lowering itself unites with the Creator, who is above all things?


Hear these words again, “It should be said to the proud that whenever they take pride in themselves, they fall into imitation of the apostate angel.”


The pride of man’s heart is often met with the faltering of faith.


Proud Peter was no different.


Jesus said to him, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail… Peter said to him, “Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death.”


But the rooster would soon crow, and Peter's faith had faltered.


However, tucked in this exchange are these words of Jesus to Peter, “And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”


This language of turning reflects a heart of humble repentance. A renewing of His faith in His teacher and redeemer. Likewise, Peter, and all the Apostles, must take this Word of forgiveness into the world so that the Church might have its faith strengthened through the exercise of confession and absolution.


How we kneel to confess our sins in the Divine Service is truly beautiful. We take the form of a beggar and admit that we have fallen - Satan's voice has penetrated our ears and hearts and turned us against one another.


But the words of the pastor announce to you forgiveness. Forgiveness and grace that must be extended to one another so that we might likewise strengthen one another as we live in Christ Jesus.


The beautiful reality of this kind of life is that it does not seek to be the greatest or possess lordship but desires to receive and show love. The same love that was willing to die for you upon the cross.


As we journey through this Lent, examine your hearts, put away your silly arguments, and the fighting within your heart, and continue to learn how to confess your sin and faith in Jesus Christ, your Great Redeemer. For He has humbled Himself to the point of death, and at the last, He will raise you and all your brothers and sisters in Christ to new life. +INJ+


The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.


Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA


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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Sermon for Ash Wednesday Chapel

Jonah 3:1-10




We all know the beginning of Jonah's story. God said to Jonah, go to Nineveh and call the people of the great city to repent and turn away from their sins. But he was afraid for his own life; these were evil people. So, instead, Jonah attempts to turn away from God by climbing aboard a ship and sailing to Tarshish.  


So, the story goes, a big storm arises, Jonah is thrown into the sea, and he is swallowed up into the belly of a great fish. Jonah now dwells in the darkness of this fish's stomach for three days and nights.


What would you do in such a situation?


Jonah did the only thing he could; he called out to God in prayer. He asked God to deliver him from the grave of the fish. Jonah asked God to deliver him from his sin of disobedience or not listening to God's instruction.


When we sin, when we don’t use the words we should because we are afraid for our own lives, we must join Jonah in calling out to God, praying, and asking Him for forgiveness, trusting that our heavenly Father hears us and will deliver us from the grave of sin and death.


God heard Jonah’s prayer and told the fish to spit Jonah out upon the dry land.


Then today's reading says God spoke to Jonah a second time, saying, "Go to Nineveh and speak to them the word I give to you." And this time, Jonah listens and goes as God tells him, speaks God’s Word, and what happens? The people believed and turned from their evil. They repented of their sin.


In fact, the people of Nineveh, including their king, dressed in sackcloth, a very rough garment made of goat or camel hair. Wearing such a garment and sitting in ashes was an outward sign of mourning and repentance.


Today we begin the season of Lent, and we, too, placed ashes in the shape of the cross upon our foreheads and said, "Remember, O man that you are dust and to dust you shall return."


Today's ashes are also an outward sign that must remind us that, like the people of Nineveh, we must repent (to say we’re sorry) and mourn our sins.


The ashes also remind us that we will all die one day. But the cross upon your forehead reminds you are one redeemed by Christ the crucified!


That’s right, Jesus went to the cross, died for your sins, and was then placed in the belly of the earth. But on the third day, He rose again, so you would receive forgiveness for your sin and live with Him forever.


So, as we enter the season of Lent, take this message with you, always listen to and obey God’s Word. Always have the name of Jesus upon your lips.


When you find yourself walking away from God like Jonah, repent and know that God hears you and will forgive all your sin.


And because of Jesus, know that the grave will not keep your mortal body, but will spit out your mortal body on the last day, and you will abide with Christ Jesus, your Savior, forever and ever. Amen. +INJ+

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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

U.S. Army Retirement Speech

Fort Myer Chapel
February 16, 2023


It is great to see all of you today. Some of you have traveled great distances, and others a few miles, but all of you have given up your time to be here with the Rogness family as we close this chapter of life. Thank you.


When I gave a speech at the time of my promotion a few years ago, I took the theme of Dr. Seuss' "Oh, the Places You'll Go." So, as I stand before you today and reflect on twenty-four years of wearing the Army uniform, it's more like, "Oh, the Places You've Been." However, the new book would read more like an autobiography, but this is what days like today do. They cause you to reflect back on time.


As a seventeen-year-old high school student enlisting in the Army Reserve, I never sought to see the world, but I have. I never saw myself living in and contributing to history, but in my own way, I have.


Truthfully, my time in Afghanistan taught me how young, immature, and unprepared for the life I really was. Serving at Walter Reed Army Medical Center during the height of the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq showed me how precious life is as the hospital cared for wounded warriors. And my time at the Pentagon has continued to remind me that we simply occupy offices and positions for a season of life, while being entrusted as stewards with the responsibilities accompanying our offices.


Recently, I shared some words of Gregory the Great with the congregation I serve. In his Book of Pastoral Rule, Gregory wrote, “Therefore, those who preside over others should consider not their rank, but the equality of their condition. Moreover, they should revel not in ruling over others but in helping them.”


While Gregory the Great is writing to pastors in this instance, these words also apply to us as military members. When we strip away the uniform and all its adornments, at the core, the equality of our condition is the same. We all hurt. We just hurt differently. We all need help. We just need help in different ways.


One of the great lessons I have been afforded while serving in a myriad of positions at the Pentagon is this, while our rank may increase, it’s not power or control that accompanies our offices, but rather a greater need and responsibility to support and serve others. That’s leadership, serving others.


When I reflect on the day I joined the Army, the thought of my parents signing my enlistment documents for me to enlist does not leave me. Having a father who served in Vietnam, a brother who served in the National Guard, and grandfathers who both served and fought during WWII, they knew what signing those documents meant. By signing my enlistment documents, my parents served our country by giving her their youngest son. Thank you, mom and dad – for being there when I enlisted, when I left home, and the many times I returned only to go again. I can't imagine what it has been like for you, but I love you, and thank you.


Now, while those of us in uniform must be away from home throughout our careers, we need people in our life to also serve us and keep us motivated throughout our time in uniform. Two of my dear friends, Chad, and Sam, flew out to be here today. But these two friends were also at the airport the day I returned home from basic training. They were my roommates at college when I left for Afghanistan. They visited my family when my grandparents died and I was away. They were there when I came home. They've always been there for my family and me. They are a testament in a world of division that true lifelong friendships still exist. Thank you both for being present in my life and supporting my family.


Unfortunately, my brother Luther cannot be here today. Still, I am so thankful to have my sister, Eve, her husband, Jay, and my niece Emma with us (my nephew, Luke, would have been here, but he just began a new job today).


For the baby of the family to succeed, he needs a brother and a sister who care for him and support him throughout the ups and downs of life. My siblings have been with me every step of the way, from being at my graduation from basic training to driving me home from Fort McCoy, WI, when I returned from overseas, and everywhere in between. If I called them in the middle of the night from Incirlik, Turkey, or just to hear a friendly voice, they'd always answered, always listened, and always cared for me. Thank you, and I love you.


As our family has grown and expanded these past years, I've been reminded that many bodies are also counting on my service at home.


While my wife, Becky, knew what she was getting into when she married me (kinda), she accepted the potential of mobilizations and deployments that could be. Still, our children did not have a choice in the matter. While Lydia, Samson, Jonah, Gabriel, and Miriam love their trips to the Pentagon or attending military functions, their mother has fostered a wonderful love for country and a supportive home for me to continue serving. All the good our children learn in this life comes from their mother, and I thank God for such a faithful wife. Becky, you are the love of my life and the best mother I know. I love you.


Now, statistics say the military is a family business, and judging by our family’s history, odds are decent that at least one of you, Lydia, Samson, Jonah, Gabriel, and Miriam, will join the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Honestly, I don't even want to think of this possibility. It just makes me wonder what was going on in my parents’ minds back in 1999. But the gift I am giving you today is a small way for me to remind you as you get older, no matter what happens in life, don't lose your way – stay on point, keep going in the right direction, keep the faith, and always look to your Savior, Jesus Christ. Truthfully, even if you were to lose everything, all that really matters is your faith.


And you should always know if you ever feel lost, your mother and father will always love you and help you along the way.


Alright, so that’s it, that’s everything.


I joined the Army to serve our nation, and along the way, the Army taught me to serve others. So you could say, this is my Army story – it's a story that has formed me into who I am today, and for this, I am thankful for serving.


Pro Deo Et Patria – “For God and Country”







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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness


February 12, 2023
Text: Luke 8:4-15


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


If you grew up as I did, you probably heard the word "church" and thought of the building or structure we are in now. And it’s good and salutary to have a place set aside for our gathering, hearing God's Word, and receiving His precious gifts.


But, Luther wrestled with what it meant to be “Church” and dove into what it meant to confess, "I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian church, and the communion of saints,” in his Large Catechism. He realized there were similarities between what the Creed calls the “holy Christian Church” and the “communion of saints…." But Luther also highlighted a belief that the translation of the Creed at his time was not entirely on target because the translation of “church” led people to focus more on the building rather than the holy ones being gathered and kept by and in the Word of God.


Luther eventually summarizes things by saying, “Therefore, in real German, in our mother tongue, [Church] ought to be called “a Christian congregation or gathering” or, best of all and most clearly, “holy Christendom.”[1]


The gift of a beautiful and glorious place to worship is a gift. And Scripture clearly calls us to gather as we are this day. (Acts 2:42) But, in this hostile and corrupted world we continue to actively dwell within, the Christian must be ready to lose everything, even the pews that now hold and support your mortal bodies, while always clinging to God’s holy Word.


In the early centuries after Jesus' death and resurrection, it would not be uncommon for Christians to worship behind locked doors out of fear of their enemies. In other instances, to escape harm, Christians would not flock to a building but rather seek out deserted places to gather and worship, maybe a forest, cave, or even sometimes, an empty burial vault to hear the Word of Life and to call upon the Lord in their time of distress and need.


For such reasons, we should remember to thank God for providing such a wonderful place to gather and hear His precious and life-giving Word. We should pray and confess with David,
O LORD, I love the habitation of your house
                        and the place where your glory dwells. (Psalm 26:8)


Yet, there are also times when we also must say with David,
I have not sat with idolatrous mortals,
                       Nor will I go in with hypocrites.
            I have hated the assembly of evildoers,
                        And will not sit with the wicked. (Psalm 26:4-5)


These words of David remind us to be on guard for false doctrine, to ensure the holy assembly of God does not become a place of heresy, a place where a word that is in conflict with God’s is proclaimed.


For Jesus said, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.” (Matthew 21:13)


Jesus recalls here that the house of God is to be a place where the pattern of sound words, the pattern of prayer, is grafted into your hearts as they are made ready to receive the perpetual pouring out of the Holy Spirit for the confidence of your faith.


As Jesus spoke, the temple had become a refuge and sanctuary for thieves, bandits, and evildoers.


However, I believe the greatest thieves of our time are those who use the house of God for their own purposes. They are the “hypocrites” or “men of falsehood.” Those who genuinely reject God while gathering and speaking with the Church on earth. Those thieves and evildoers who desire to come and place a false word into your ears or snatch it from your heart.


We are seeing this in the headlines this past week as the Church of England considers removing “Our Father” in the Lord's Prayer because of the sex-specific language.


C.F.W. Walther wrote,
A church in which man’s delusion and wit are proclaimed instead of Holy Scripture is nothing but an open gate to hell, a butchering table of Satan, and a house of plagues to the soul. Whoever enters such a church of unbelievers and enemies of Christ would have done better to come into a den of robbers and murderers, for there only his mortal body would have been killed. In a church of unbelievers, it is his immortal soul that is slain.


So, this is at stake for the Church and the Christian, the soul and eternal life of man.


As the Holy Week theme for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod a couple years ago said, “It’s a matter of life and death.”


And truthfully, this is what the parable in today’s Gospel is about, life and death.


So, how you and the Church receive God's Word and keep it matters.


For this, we receive the parable to the Sower. It's not a difficult parable to understand. In fact, Jesus provides the hearer with the answer key. It’s like turning to the back of the math book in high school.


The seed is the Word of God.


And the first instance of the seed being sown, the devil snatches it as it is tossed upon the hardness of man’s heart.


The second scenario is when the Word is heard with joy, only to see faith not take root as the rocky ground lacks the water of life. These people cannot endure the tribulations and persecution that will follow the faithful.


Still, the third situation is when thorns choke the life produced due to God's Word. For some reason, this instance sounds worse than the others. The seed is sown, and it's producing faith. Still, over time and without proper care, the anxiousness and worry or carnal pleasures of life suffocate the faith once growing. Maybe Judas fell into this category as he found himself anxious over finances and worldly matters to the point that he was willing to betray his Lord. 


We wish to avoid all three situations (or at least we should pray that we avoid them). Because the hearing of and persevering in God's Word is a matter of life and death for you, the Christian.


And so, to persevere in the faith, we look to learn from our confession of the third article of the Creed, as we say, "I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and giver of life…."


As we know, "faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”


And where God's Word is heard and received, the Holy Spirit is active, creating an enduring faith that “bears fruit with patience.”


But patience is the challenge, is it not? Unfortunately, we don't have the patience for faith or life.


However, if you understand patience comes from the Lord, then you attend to His Word and hear it on a daily basis, and the fruit of confession and prayer is produced, and your heart's tender soil and faith are nourished.


To strive to avoid the pitfalls of parable of the Sower, to be given patience, and bear fruit, our journey throughout life and the season of Lent requires our hearts to be constantly turned and growing in God’s Word. It’s your guard against the men of falsehood and hypocrites, it’s your life in a world of death that continues to snatch and choke the precious Seed from your hearts.


It’s my prayer we never have to depart this place to meet and settle to receive the seed of God’s Word among the shadows of the woods or the deep underground caverns of this unholy city. But, no matter what happens, I pray that the fruit of faith produces a patience within you that will lead you confidently to the burial vault that will contain your body knowing you have been kept safely in “a Christian congregation” or, more precisely, “holy Christendom.”


So let us pray for the Lord to keep us steadfast in His Word and lead us out of death to life. +INJ+


The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.


Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Churc
hAlexandria, VA


[1] McCain, P. T. (Ed.). (2005). Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions (p. 404). St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.

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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

The Transfiguration of Our Lord

Text: 2 Peter 1:16-21


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


In the epistle today, Peter wrote, “For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.”


In four other instances throughout the epistles, the apostle Paul also urges readers to be on guard for myths that lead one away from the truth of Christ Jesus. One might surmise there was a problem with heretical teaching during this time.


But what is a myth?


The Greek Word for myth, μῦθος, defines a myth as a ‘narrative’ or ‘story’ without distinction of fact or fiction. It is in opposition to the λόγος, which we know to be the Word of truth.


So, a myth is nothing more than a tale, story, or legend that has been cleverly devised to capture the minds and imagination of its hearers. Similar to the legend of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.


However, like Peter, the apostle Paul writes sternly in 1 Timothy 4, “Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” (1 Timothy 4:7-8)


We should realize that the young Church Peter and Paul served, found itself attacked constantly by myths masquerading as fact. 


This is a challenge we continue to find ourselves in today, as the Church remains under attack from both external and internal teachings that take aim at marriage, life in the womb, and even the deity of Jesus Himself, the fictitious stories told, have become for many objective truths.


This occurs in many and various ways. Sometimes, one may not even realize their theology is under attack or misleading them. A friend's words just comfort our ears during a difficult time.


Take, for instance, the common phrase, “God only gives you as much as you can handle.” It sounds nice, and many see it as a paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 10, but this isn't what the passage genuinely says. Rather, Paul wrote, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.”


The saying, “God only gives you as much as you can handle,” places the focus of your redemption or escape from temptation and adversity solely on you rather than on God. But the passage of 1 Corinthians 10 reminds the reader that God is faithful. It is He who will give you escape and redemption.


This may seem trivial to some, but it reveals how clever myths begin to take root in the minds and hearts of well-meaning Christians. And this should give all of us pause as we examine how narratives and false realities continue to distract the Church from Jesus Christ and His faithful Word.


Peter, in the epistle today, was defending himself against the false teachers who had charged that he and the other apostles invented the stories of Jesus. But Peter gives a defense by saying, “we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,’ we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.”


But more, they were there as Jesus was arrested, they were there as He stood trial, they were there as He hung and died upon the cursed tree, they were there as He was placed in the tomb, they were there and saw the empty tomb, they were there as Jesus entered the locked room after His resurrection, they were there as Thomas placed His hands into the marks of the nails, they were there as their Savior and ours ascended into the heavens with the promise of His return.


But here lies the difficulty, we are pilgrims who must continue to await the Lord’s return. But man is really impatient. While time can be our friend in some instances, it can also be an enemy, an enemy that permits the temptations of myths to take root as we grow weary throughout this life.


For Peter and the apostles, the enemies and false teachers of their day were like vultures, ready to attack their confession, which is the Church’s confession. Has anything changed?


The challenge of time in the early Church is that the second coming of Jesus, the day we confess He will return to judge the living and the dead, did not happen as quickly as some had first believed.


We are likewise impatiently waiting for the second coming. We see the world becoming a darker place, we see a present darkness consuming our lives, and we fall into the belief we can handle it on our own. We can redeem ourselves from this pit of despair. As Adam and Eve first believed in the Garden of Eden, we can become God.


Our lives are not that different from those of centuries ago, are they? We, too, find ourselves living in the moment, forgetting the words of the prophets, words that confessed the Messiah, words of anticipation that patiently led God’s people to Bethlehem. God works in His time.


As we live in these dark and latter days, it’s good to hear the words we speak after the readings during Evening Prayer, “In many and various ways, God spoke to His people of old by the prophets. But now in these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son.” (Hebrews 1:1-2a)


God does speak to us today; by His Son, the Word become flesh.


The final words of Peter in the epistle should bring us comfort today and beyond; he wrote:

And we have the prophetic Word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.


Our world and lives appear to be so dark and gloomy. With the depression and despair of so many around us, we often wonder, where is the light of Christ this day? Or how might we possess the light of Christ for the road ahead?


The Psalmist reminds us:

“Your word is a lamp to my feet
    and a light to my path.”
(Ps 119:105)


As Jesus said in the Gospel of John, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”


Follow Jesus and His Word.


And in reality, this has become so hard today. There are so many churches and denominations. So many books and commentaries to read, so many well-meaning words to be read.


But to avoid myths and fables our time, we must continue to focus first on God's Word. A Word that illumines the way and grants you the comfort and peace of your Savior. It’s a Word that will guard you in His truth and wisdom.


And this should be your prayer as you approach the season of Lent and beyond, that the light of Christ, His Word, would remain a guard to your paths and a lamp unto your feet – guiding you faithfully to avoid the myths of this world and with Peter, James, and John, to hear the glorious voice of heaven. +INJ+


The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.



Rev. Noah J. Rogness

Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church

Alexandria, VA



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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

The March for Life and The Confession of St. Peter

Text: Mark 8:27-38


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Where were you on June 24, 2022, as Roe V. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court in the Dobbs V. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision?

It was a day for the history books. By many, it has been seen as the day that finally ushered in a new generation of the post-Roe era.

But, as we stand on this side of history, has anything truly changed?

You see, while there are events that cause history to be written into a book, one can argue, these events cannot change your history.

As Christians, our story and history began with the events of our first parents in the Garden of Eden with their fall into sin, your fall into sin.

The sin that takes the lives of those you love into death, the sin that continues to lead mankind into violating the marriage bed, the sin that provides a façade of power and control over your own lives.

For this reason, you have been gathered here today because your story and all of humanity have been marred by the ancient curse, and you stand with your brothers and sisters in need of help.

While June 24, 2022, left its mark on American history, it has not changed your story or the heart of man.

The Supreme Court decision regarding Dobbs V. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was a victory. Still, it did not bring abortion to its end throughout the land. It was evident by the jeering of many at the steps of the United States Supreme Court on that fateful date last June - man's heart continues to rage against the will of God and remains in deep bondage.

A bondage highlighted by the chants and petitions, “My body, my choice.”

What lies behind such statements is the belief we are all autonomous beings. That we control our life and our destiny.

But, when Jesus asks Peter and the disciples, “Who do you say that I AM?” (Mark 8:27), He is asking them to where and in whom is your trust? This question is also for you.

We know Peter’s confession; he says, “You are the Christ!”

But, what does it mean to say Jesus is the Christ?

It means to confess Jesus as the anointed Son of God. The One who has processed through the city streets of Jerusalem to loud Hosannas of the poor and needy in spirit to save and redeem them, a fallen creation. He is the One by whose death has caused your history and the story of man to be changed forever.

As Solomon wrote in Psalm 72,  
He delivers the needy when [they] call,
                       the poor and him who has no helper.
            He has pity on the weak and the needy,
                        and saves the lives of the needy.
           From oppression and violence he redeems their life. (Psalm 72:12-14a)

But, is this who you confess Jesus to be as you live and toil throughout this life and among friend and neighbor alike?

Or has Satan silenced your lips? Are you like Peter, having found yourself quickly forgetting the good confession as the crosses and tribulations of life are revealed before your very eyes?

How often do you permit Satan to stand before you, to tame your tongue and confession through the days of suffering? How often do you fail to hear God’s Word and then speak His comfort to another in great need?

Jesus said, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”

As Jesus would travel to Golgotha, the place of the skull, the place of death, to bear the sin of the world, another man would be compelled to take up Jesus’ cross. Out of necessity, Simon the Cyrenian is drawn closer to Jesus as he was forced to carry the cross of Christ. (Mark 15:21) This was not “his” cross, and He did not suffer Christ's death for you. But the taking up of one’s cross today is to share as the body of Christ in the suffering of life.

You have been called to take up the crosses of those who have no voice. To join Peter and the Disciples with untamed tongues in confessing Jesus as the Christ.

We haven't come today to this sanctuary or the streets of Washington, D.C., for virtue signaling, to simply express a moral opinion or viewpoint, or have the louder voice, but we have come for confession.

To confess our sin, the sin of anger and distrust in one another. The sin of failing to help and support our neighbor in their every need of body and life. The sin of not loving our neighbor as ourselves. (Mark 12:31)

But, we have also come to confess the comfort and encouragement of Jesus to the mother who is contemplating an abortion.

We have come to confess the forgiveness of Jesus to the father, who has encouraged an abortion.

We have come to confess the peace of Jesus to those who continue to live with an abortion.

We come to confess the life of Jesus to a world wrapped in sin because, upon the cross, Christ Jesus has defeated death and now gives to us, His life.

As we depart this day, go, knowing this as your history and story. The story of sin and redemption. The story of Jesus. Then pray, sing, and confess His story to all who have ears, today and always. +INJ+

The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.


Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA


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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

+Priscilla Cook + Requiescat in Pace+

Text: John 10:27-30


Dear Willner, Carolee, Jean, family, friends, students of Priscilla, and brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

One of my early memories of Priscilla occurred about fifteen years ago when I moved to the area for a mobilization at the Pentagon. At the time, my only means of transportation was my Harley and because I cared deeply about my bike, I would roll up to church and park on or near the sidewalk of the undercroft.

Well, one Sunday I was running a little behind and when I showed up for Scripture Study, my exhaust ensured the windows rattled just a little. What I didn’t realize at first was that I had also rattled the entire back row of Scripture Study! As I entered that day, Priscilla provided me a stern look that informed me without words, I would not do what I had just done ever again.

Priscilla was very serious about her faith; she was a Christian and fervently believed the words we heard from St. Paul this morning:

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. (Romans 3:23-25a)

Even as she had become homebound these last years, and missed her husband Carl terribly, her enduring faith led her to confess her sins before God, to confess she had fallen short not only before man, but also in the eyes of her heavenly Father.

Yet, her faith was unwavering even in these latter days as she rejoiced in the gift of redemption received through Christ’s Word and in His very flesh and blood for the forgiveness of her sins. A gift Pastor Esget and I had the privilege of bringing her.

Funny story, a couple months ago, Priscilla had become ill and to visit her, it required an individual to wear a mask and a gown. Pastor Esget went to visit her, and you know when you have all this gear on you become unrecognizable – your voice becomes muffled. Well, Pastor Esget asked her, would you like to receive the Lord’s Supper and she was quick to say, “I only receive the Lord’s Supper from my pastors.”

This is the type of confession that brings a pastor such joy! Once Pastor Esget removed the mask briefly, that smile of hers appeared along with the twinkle in her eye, and she gladly received a foretaste of the heavenly banquet.

This story is a reminder, Priscilla was a Lutheran and nothing else would do, she held firmly to this confession, recognizing, even in her last days:

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by [God’s] grace as a gift… to be received by faith. (Romans 3:23-25a)

A faith she tirelessly confessed and taught as a Lutheran School teacher for nearly 36 years (25 of those years here at Immanuel Lutheran School). As you can guess, she took this vocation of teacher seriously and she cared deeply for her students and Immanuel Lutheran School as a whole. In fact, even after retirement, she didn’t leave the school, Priscilla and her husband Carl never stopped serving the students of Immanuel, the two would be seen helping in the carpool lane of the school nearly every day, greeting students with smiles, hugs, and relationships that have endured throughout the years.

Their love for the children and school was unmatched.  

But for Priscilla, what was first and foremost was her desire for our school to teach and confess Jesus. She saw her students as being entrusted to her care and wanted them to know their Savior. She wanted them ready to enter the world, she wanted them ready to confess their faith in Christ Jesus, she wanted them to know, hear, and follow the voice of this great Shepherd.

I believe this emphasis was greatly impacted by Priscilla’s confirmation verses, which were at the end of the third reading from the Gospel of John:

[Jesus said] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.

What characterizes the sheep is that they “hear the voice of Jesus.” They hear His voice and follow Him; we call this faith.

You who have faith, need not fear the casket or the grave, but rather rejoice, even today, that you too shall never perish, but receive eternal life.

Like Priscilla, your Shepherd, the Good Shepherd has you in the safety and pasture of His hand.

The death and resurrection of Christ Jesus has become the gate unto this good pasture, the place where salvation and forgiveness reside. A place where those who hear the voice of the Shepherd receive eternal rest from the labors, ailments, and dark shadows of this life.

Soon, you will journey to the grave, the dark, horrible pit of the earth, but go there with the knowledge that Jesus and His life, death, and resurrection has transformed the grave and made it as the Psalmist writes, the gate unto eternal life.

Open to me the gates of righteousness,
                      that I may enter through them
                       and give thanks to the LORD. (Psalm 118:20)

For those who enter through this gate will say with Priscilla and all who rest in Christ Jesus, one of her favorite verses:

             This is the day that the LORD has made;
                     let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

Through the tears and sadness, let us rejoice with your mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend, teacher, and sister in Christ; because her prayer has been answered and she has faithfully heard the Shepherd’s voice and rests eternally in His care. +INJ+


 The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.



Rev. Noah J. Rogness

Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church

Alexandria, VA




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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Epiphany 1

Text: Luke 2:41-52


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


The 2021 Virginia governor’s race turned out to be one of the most watched in the country. Particularly for a comment made by one of the candidates during a debate regarding the relationship between schools and parents. The candidate said, "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."


It was a statement that ignited a firestorm and failed to resonate with parents of school-age children as the race for governor came to a close.


For at least a moment, I’d like to say the outrage and demand to be involved in a child’s education led Virginia to become Lutheran, believing in what we call vocation and the office of father and mother. Lutherans have long held the Fourth Commandment in great esteem and as the first and greatest commandment of the second table of the Law.


The Large Catechism says, “To the position of fatherhood and motherhood, God has given special distinction above all positions that are beneath it.”


Fathers and mothers are to do as the Proverb says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” (22:6)


Easier said than done.


Even Mary and Joseph had their struggles. But then, as we heard in the Gospel, they left Jesus in Jerusalem and began their journey home to Nazareth with friends and relatives. Maybe it was the conversations between their traveling company that distracted them, maybe their minds were on the tasks or the work that awaited them once they returned home, or perhaps it was cultural – that parents didn't need to have tabs on their children at all times.


Nonetheless, could you imagine their worry and anxiousness when they couldn’t find Jesus – they couldn’t locate the Son, God, their heavenly Father entrusted to their care.


Following the Fourth Commandment, we also understand that children are entrusted to our care. How would you react if your child went missing?


A challenge is that many children do not travel with their parents throughout life, they do not go in the way of the Proverb, the way of faith, a world and culture is waiting to mold and lead them away from the Christian faith. Maybe this happened to some of you as you went off to college, the military, or simply travel the world before settling down.


But is it always the child’s fault when they do not journey with their parents and family? Or has the parent, grandparent, Godparents, or even the Church left the child behind?


I believe an essential question of our day is, have you the same vigor over the education and nourishment of the Christian faith as you do over the education and wisdom of this world?


Do you approach the theological education of children the same way you approach the core subjects of a liberal arts education or the extracurriculars or music programs you desire your children to be in…


It's easy to say yes, but it's hard to honestly examine oneself and admit no.


Unfortunately, many of us leave this sanctuary of God on Sunday, and we leave Jesus here “to be about [His] Father’s business…."


Often when a child wanders from the family, the parents join in the voices of Mary and Joseph, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.”


No one doubts the distress and anxiousness a parent feels when a child grows and goes missing or departs the faith, it’s a pain and suffering of great spiritual and mental turmoil. The conversations that follow between child and parent might be met with words of regret. Words of greater harm.  


But Jesus’ Words today to His earthly parents are not our words but are words for us. He says to Mary and Joseph, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” Luke 2:49


These words of Jesus reveal why He came into the flesh that first Christmas in the first place, to be about His heavenly Father’s business, His Will. 


Mary and Joseph did not understand. They could not comprehend this statement by their Son. At the moment, they were consumed by earthly terror and distress, much like we have become by the terrors and the things that cause pain throughout this earthly life.


But Jesus does His Father's will, and upon the cross, He suffers the terrors of this life, even death itself, that you and your family may have life, eternal life. And this is ultimately why we “Train up a child in the way he should go…." So as the child grows, they won't depart but receive life in Christ Jesus. It's why Elias was baptized this day, to be consecrated, set aside as God's own child, and placed on the way that leads to eternal life.


Look, we are not absent from living in this world. We do not live in convents and monasteries. We live in the world while being in Christ Jesus.


Raising children and a family is complicated. Naturally, we desire the best for them, which means we should, above all else, want them to be raised in the way of the cross – to know how to respond to adversity and hardship, to cling to their faith even more when the way of life and the world around them appears to be inescapable.


But, a child will seldom stand a chance in this world if the fear and love of God are not foremost in their daily education and continually nourished through our words and action throughout the day and as we all rise in the morning and lay our heads down at night.


We must ensure we don't leave here today and journey one day, three days, or six days before realizing Jesus remains in the temple. Instead, we must understand and pray for the Holy Spirit to continually point and lead us to know where God’s temple now resides.


When Jesus said, “[I will] Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” He spoke of Himself because His Father’s Will was carried out in and through His death and resurrection.


Jesus became the temple. Where He is, there the temple of God is found, which means as we gather around our tables and this altar to hear His Word, we keep His sabbath not only today but throughout the days of the week until we gather again.


When this happens, we no longer find ourselves journeying away from our Immanuel but rejoicing in how He is now dwelling with us, growing in us, and leading us into the way of eternal life…


As you live and journey through this world, a world that continues to be hostile toward Christ and His Church, treasure God’s Word in your hearts. Rejoice in your vocations as children, parents, and members of this congregation – the body of Christ.


Pray for one another and help one another as you are able, that we may all remain obedient to God's Word, growing in His wisdom, that we may all confess our Saviors Word and His grace in our homes and before all men, unto the day when He returns for us. +INJ+




The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.



Rev. Noah J. Rogness

Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church

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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Christmas Day

This is why Christ Jesus came, appeared, and visited His people that first Christmas, out of loving kindness - to redeem them and you from the sin that binds and haunts the heart. His story has become your story, a true telling of man’s redemption.

Text: Titus 3:4-7

Dear brothers and sisters, grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Have you ever experienced a Christmas where you just felt weighed down by life, and the usual joys and songs you find upon your lips are absent? Maybe this is you today. Perhaps you are feeling like the Humbug in Bah Humbug?

Maybe you wish some spirits would visit and help you rediscover this season of joy. Well, they won’t, at least not as they did for Ebenezer Scrooge.

Wouldn’t it be something if Jacob Marley did appear to you this day? To warn you of your heart’s condition and your need for redemption.

In Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol,” there's a fascinating exchange between Ebenezer Scrooge and Jacob Marley.

Scrooge says to his old friend Marley “You are fettered, tell me why?” 

Marley responds, “I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.”

Scrooge replied, “Jacob, old Jacob Marley, tell me more. Speak comfort to me, Jacob!” 

Marley says, “I have none to give.”

This exchange fascinates me because Marley confesses his deeds on the earth have made this chain that now shackles him, and in death, he enjoys no comfort nor has comfort to give.

What has shackled you and now keeps you in a state of bondage?

Your heart…

Jesus says in the Gospel of Matthew, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks," and again, “How can you speak good when you are evil?” [Matt. 12:34].

Luther says, “Therefore, all the world confesses that no picture represents the heart so certainly as the words of the mouth, as though the heart were in the words.”

What is the picture of your heart this Christmas? Is there a façade within you? Do you say, “Merry Christmas,” while you utter under your breadth those well-known words of curmudgeonly displeasure for Christmas, “Bah Humbug!”

If so, why?

The answer to this question may not be as complicated as you think.

We love money and would rather keep it for ourselves, even unto the grave, than give aid to those in greatest need.

We do not have the concern for others as we should. We do not ask our neighbors enough, “how can I help you?”

Or when it comes to family, we have grown content in the shackles of our strife, and accepting an invitation or visit from the family archenemy seems like we have lost the battle; we have given in.

Yes, it would appear we, too, have no comfort to give and, at the least, have failed to provide the comfort we ought.

What we could use ourselves is a visitation.

And for this reason, Christ Jesus has and continues to visit you, His people, this day.

The Collect of the day provides a lens to why Jesus visits you; as we prayed,
“Almighty God, grant that the birth of Your only-begotten Son in the flesh may set us free from the bondage of sin…."

…He comes to free you from the iron bondage of sin forged link by link and yard by yard as you have acted as if no one matters more than yourself.

But the prayer is not a wish or a dream; it is a reality, as we heard in this morning's epistle:

“But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy.”

The action of our redemption does not reside in us or happen through nights of self-discovery but is solely God’s act, as the epistle states, “He saved us.”

Why did God save us, or what moved Him to save us?

His “loving kindness,” or as the Greek would say, God’s, φιλανθρωπία. You know this better as “philanthropy.”

But, φιλανθρωπία is really two words, the first being φιλος meaning love, and the second, ανθρωπος, meaning man or mankind. Together, these words reveal the kindness and love God has for mankind, for His creation, for you. And so God had an Epiphany; he appeared and showed His love in the flesh of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.   

Now, I love “A Christmas Carol;” it’s a beautiful story of redemption, a stunning classic piece of literature. But, for the Christian, the redemption of man must go beyond the adornments of the season – the turkey and garland, the carols sung by a fire - these are all gifts of the season, gifts of joy that must first have their source in the mercy and forgiveness of the Child born of Mary.

This is the crux for many; we can all adorn ourselves outwardly with cheer and glad tidings, but unless a more profound renewal and regeneration occur within the heart, your corrupt nature will be unchanged. Your current state will be no different from that of your past.

For this, you must run to where renewal and regeneration are present for you; you must go to your Baptism, where Jesus assumes your melancholy and all that weighs you down, and in turn, you receive the comfort and redemption secured for you upon the cross. 

This is why Christ Jesus came, appeared, and visited His people that first Christmas, out of loving kindness - to redeem them and you from the sin that binds and haunts the heart. His story has become your story, a true telling of man’s redemption.

So, how do we keep this story of Christmas not only today but throughout the year?

Return to your Baptism and drown the past deeds and sins of life, and through the renewal of the Holy Spirit, arise and awake to new life.

Gather around as we are today to receive the redeeming Word of Christ and His flesh and blood into your ears and mouths – a very present gift of comfort and grace that continually transforms your heart and gives you the words for when another says, “Speak comfort to me, my friend.”

Comfort, it’s what we desire throughout the challenging and trying times of life. And it’s what we receive through Christ the Lord, who has visited us, His people, and made us His heirs, which gives us the hope and confidence of a blessed future – a future of unending peace and joy in His eternal kingdom.

God bless you, and Merry Christmas!

The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.


Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA




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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Advent 4 – Rorate Coeli

Text: John 1:19-28


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Today, we heard again from John the Baptist. John is in the wilderness, preaching a message of preparation.

The wilderness is often thought of as an unfriendly place. The first part of the word "Wilderness" begins to define the wild characteristics of the environment; it's an untamed and uncontrolled location. A wilderness has an aspect of darkness, where things creep in the shadows, where animal instincts rule, and creatures are often pitted against creature. No one enjoys walking alone in this darkness, knowing that creatures are willing to pounce and attack when one’s guard is down.

But what are the wildernesses of this life?

Sure, the Shenandoahs are just west of here, but isn't the heart of man one of the most lonely and wild places of all?

This past week, I attended a Capitals game. It was fun, they lost to the team formally from Minnesota, but it was a close game. But what was most interesting to me wasn't the game itself but the conversations openly occurring around us. There was no guard over the door of the lips of fans. Instead, their words went beyond reflecting the desolate places not fit for the ears of children.

Sadly, these stories confessed hearts in distress and in need of help.

One person’s career was in shambles as they lost their job, while another confessed how they do the bare minimum of work to get by. Another couple discussed an illness that had seized the body of a friend, the grave was near, and how sad and hopeless they felt this Christmas. Yet, another could be seen arguing with the people they came with, people I'm only assuming were friends or family. Still, others simply didn't want to be home for Christmas this year among their family and friends (the political divide has become too great).

Can you relate with these, your neighbors, and the desolate places of life that have seized their hearts?

What has gone awry in your life?

What is in error?

What is crooked?

What needs straightening?

The message of John the Baptist is not only for the Pharisees and tax collectors but also for you this day, “Make straight the way of the Lord.”

But you can’t make the way straight, can you? Have you been able to fix or correct those things in your life that are broken?

Over the Advent season, the peace of Jesus has been spoken into your ears, but what have you done with this peace? How often have you said to Jesus, "No, thank you, I can fix this on my own. I need to do this on my own. I can find the peace I need, just give me time.”

Well, John comes to you today; his thunderous words go into the wilderness and desolate place of your life and heart and say the time is now, “straighten up.”

But why? Because your Lord is near. With each passing day, judgment is nearer.

So today, you are called to repent and make way for the Lord to proceed into the hostility of your rebellious heart.

John’s call is ultimately one of repentance, which means to confess your sin. I get it; it’s hard to stay on the nice list when we’re addressing our own sin. We are more comfortable putting on brave faces for the season, the façade of harmony, and dealing with our troubles after the family dinner in the silence of our own homes.

But sin doesn't go away if we ignore it. Instead, it means there is a problem that only takes greater root in your heart the longer it goes without help. The longer it goes without repentance.

The Collect of the day is another one of those Advent prayers that begin with, “Stir up Your power, O Lord.”

“Stir up Your power, O Lord, and come and help us by Your might, that the sins which weigh us down may be quickly lifted by Your grace and mercy.”

It's a beautiful prayer, especially as there is much that weighs us down in this life.

This prayer also directs us to realize that the help one needs, grace, and mercy, must come from outside us. It comes from Jesus, who John the Baptist will confess in the coming day, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.”

The message John the Baptist preached in the Gospel of John continues to call us to prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming again and to do so without delay.

In fact, it’s a reminder our whole life is one of repentance. Our whole life is one of turning back to Jesus and exercising our faith and dependence on Him, and it all begins with Baptism. 

While Jesus stood in the water of the Jordan River with sinners and was Baptized by John, He now stands in the Baptismal waters of the font, granting you new life.

Isn’t this a beautiful image of Baptism, that in it, Jesus calls us from our crooked ways, He calls us from the wildernesses of life, to turn back to Him?

In the waters of Holy Baptism, Jesus stands for you today and invites you to drown and kill the Old Adam so that a new man may come forth in Him.

This is all cause for hearing the words of the Apostle Paul again as he wrote:

Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

So, rejoice…

“Rejoice!” Because Jesus stands with sinners and gives you what you cannot secure in this life; His comfort and peace.

“Rejoice!” Because in Jesus - on the last day, there will be an end to repentance because there will be an end to all sin.

“Rejoice!” Because the Lord is at hand and He has conquered all your fears, He has defeated death and scattered the darkness of the untamed wilderness residing in your life.

The last two weeks of Advent focus on John the Baptist for a reason; before Christ comes to us again, the way must be prepared in our hearts by repentance. A repentance John preaches not only to Pharisees and tax collectors but also to you. May you hear the call of John the Baptist this day and prepare yourself, for your King is near, and you have life, salvation, and peace in Him. +INJ+

The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Rev. Noah J. Rogness
Associate Pastor, Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Alexandria, VA


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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Ambrose of Milan

Ambrose was an unlikely theologian, thrust into the moment in many ways. But, I believe he continues to be an icon not only for the Church but especially for the Office of Holy Ministry. His love for his neighbor was most clearly present through his patient teaching, preaching, and, most importantly, his unwavering confession of Jesus Christ.

Text: John 3:1-17


In the name of +Jesus+ 

Today, the Church remembers Ambrose of Milan. He is often remembered this time of year for the poignant hymn he wrote, and we sang this night, “Savior of the Nations, Come.” 

But, before becoming a theologian and hymn writer, Ambrose’s entrance into the Holy Ministry was quite unique. 

Ambrose was born in 4th Century Germany to a Roman government official. Like his father, he followed in the family business, becoming a Roman governor to a providence that included Milan.  

For all extensive purposes, Milan was a center of the Church. A conflict brewing over the church in Milan became a turning point in Ambrose’s life.

Two parties were vying to become the next bishop of Milan: the Catholics and the Arians. The previous bishop was an Arian, those heretics who denied Jesus as true God from eternity. In other words, they believed Jesus did not exist until His birth that first Christmas. 

While the Catholics and Arians sparred over the bishop’s seat, someone in the crowd yelled, "Ambrose for Bishop." Surprisingly, the two parties found agreement. We see how loved Ambrose was. However, there was a problem, Ambrose had not yet even been baptized; he was still a catechumen, a student of the faith.  

Despite lacking proper churchly order, Ambrose was baptized and fast-tracked as a deacon, presbyter, and finally a Bishop in one week. We can’t imagine doing this today, but as we reflect, we see how God was at work in Milan.   

Ambrose was steadfast in His faith and confession of Jesus, “the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds.”

Ambrose learned early on how the Arians were seducing the crowds through music and song. They knew if they could get a tune into one's head, it would be planted as seeds that bear fruit in due season. However, Ambrose said two can play this game, and from his work, we receive the jewel of the hymn we sang, “Savior of the Nations, Come.”

What I find so joyful and comforting is how the hymn simply and boldly confesses the eternal nature of Jesus and, in a way, encapsulates the entirety of the Second Article of the Creed. This is at the heart of many 4th-century controversies, including the conflict with Arianism. Who is Jesus? 

It’s a question still asked today by a world that resides in darkness. 

In tonight's second reading, Nicodemus, a teacher of Israel and student of the Torah, came to Jesus in the darkness of night. Maybe he came at night out of fear, perhaps it was the only time there was to meet, or maybe it reflects the “shared [blindness] of the Jews that Jesus is the Christ, the one of whom the Torah [always] spoke.”[1]

But, you see, one cannot read the Gospel of John without appreciating the symbolism that runs throughout his Gospel. For this reason, you have to see while Nicodemus appears to have the desire to learn, he also represents a greater confession of unbelief. An unbelief that leads a person to dwell in the darkness. 

We are not absent of this darkness. It manifests in our lives whenever we turn away from our Baptism, the rebirth from above of water and Spirit. Like Nicodemus, we struggle with how this mystery occurs in water and Word, just as the unbelieving world struggles with believing in the holy child, who was from eternity, and who laid upon the hay of a manger that first Christmas before being led to the cross on Good Friday. 

Still, this Savior came not only for you and me but for this world. John 3:16 provides those familiar and comforting words (although here is a more literal translation than you are used to):

For in this manner God loved the world. And so he [God] gave the Son—the only one—so that whoever believes in him might not perish but rather might have eternal life.[2]

From this beautiful passage, we learn how Jesus took upon Himself, the flesh of man, to redeem all mankind (Objective Justification). But it also instructs how the gift of this redemption requires every believer's individual faith and trust (Subjective Justification). 

Sadly, the scene we encounter this evening with Nicodemus and the early Church's battle with the Arians continues to encapsulate our continued struggle as a culture and people. There is an allure for us to attempt to argue with God, to make His ways fit into our ways, and for Him to accommodate our reason and rationale by accepting only the portions of Scripture we agree with. When we do this, we strive to put ourselves above God and His Word. 

But this is not what the Fathers of the Church, such as Ambrose, did. Instead, as disciples and students, they were submissive to the Word made flesh and simply received it as it was written and given to them. 

Ambrose was an unlikely theologian, thrust into the moment in many ways. But, I believe he continues to be an icon not only for the Church but especially for the Office of Holy Ministry. His love for his neighbor was most clearly present through his patient teaching, preaching, and, most importantly, his unwavering confession of Jesus Christ. 

And we can see examples of this ministry as Saint Monica approached Ambrose and asked him to catechize her dear son, Saint Augustine. And by doing so, God used Ambrose to teach and lead another Father of the Church to boldly confess the faith, whose writings are equally used to this day.  

In a more challenging situation, we learn of an interaction between Ambrose and Emperor Theodosius. In a fit of rage, the emperor ordered a massacre at Thessalonica. However, after hearing of the matter, Ambrose boldly stood at the front door of the Church to meet the emperor the next time he attended service and barred him from entering until he publicly repented of his sin. And the Emperor did as Ambrose called him to do. He repented and was welcomed back as a sheep returning to the fold. 

From these examples, we see how Ambrose was a patient teacher, and it should beg us to ask, do we patiently teach others the Christian faith, or are we willing to continue studying, ask questions, and grow in the faith as the young catechumens we remain?

But also, are we willing to honestly confess our sins? Are we willing to set aside the positions, titles, and offices of life to submit to Jesus as the emperor did? Ambrose could have lost his life by approaching him, but he demonstrated greater faith in Christ Jesus and His Word. 

It’s a faith we should strive to imitate in our own lives. And it’s a faith we can imitate because we have been brought out of the darkness of Christ's tomb through the waters of Holy Baptism. We have been brought to the light of life because He, who is the light, abides with us. 

This is what the seventh stanza of Savior of the Nations, Come, confesses so brilliantly!

From the manger newborn light
Shines in glory through the night.
Darkness there no more resides;
In this light faith now abides.

 As we remember Ambrose, let us give thanks for how this faith continued to abide with him throughout his teaching, preaching, and bold confession. But let us also pray for the light of faith to be present among us as we journey through a world that continues to dwell in darkness so that we may sing God's praises both now and through eternity. +INJ+



[1] Weinrich, W. C. (2015). John 1:1–7:1. (D. O. Wenthe & C. P. Giese, Eds.) (pp. 382–383). Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.

[2] Weinrich, W. C. (2015). John 1:1–7:1. (D. O. Wenthe & C. P. Giese, Eds.) (p. 356). Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.

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Noah Rogness Noah Rogness

Advent 1 - Ad Te Levavi

Text: Romans 13:8-14 and Matthew 21:1-9

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Today begins the Advent season, so we started the service in a strikingly different way through the praying of the Litany. On our knees and in prayer, we lift our voices to God with pleas for His help and mercy. 


The somber tone conflicts with the world's busyness and holiday chatter. Children are feverishly writing their wish lists, and outwardly, adults are doing their best to make this the hap-happiest Christmas of all. 


An aspect of the Christmas season leads us to believe the façade that we can make the season bright. We can alter the course of time. We can put away all sadness. We can "gift" our way out of family turmoil and strife. 


Yet, still, as we move forward from Thanksgiving and look towards the stockings stuffed with joy and presents under the tree, we all wrestle with the feelings of unreturned love as Elvis Presley's rendition of Blue Christmas plays in the background. 


And this is one reason we begin the season of Advent the way we do, by realizing we are a broken people in need of help, love, and rescuing that cannot come from within nor from the hands of mere mortals. 


Did you catch today's collect at the end of the Litany? We prayed, 


Stir up Your power, O Lord, and come, that by Your protection, we may be rescued from the threatening perils of our sins and saved by Your mighty deliverance.


The first item I would turn your attention to is how the prayer begins, “Stir up Your power, O Lord, and come.” Throughout Advent, three of the four collects start with the words, “Stir up Your power, O Lord.” The Latin here is, Excita, which means to excite or rouse. It’s an urgent plea (like the pleas for mercy within the Litany) for saving and rescuing. And it’s addressed directly to the Son of Man, the second person of the Trinity, to come and rescue us from the threatening perils of our sin. 


The prayer ultimately redirects us to examine ourselves inwardly, to realize, as the Epistle brings to light, that we have not fulfilled the requirements of the Law because we have not loved others as we sincerely ought. 


Sadly, what truly excites us throughout this life is the sin that continues to dwell within us from birth.


However, the Apostle Paul warns, “Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” In other words, you know Christ has already come bodily in the manger, and now you must guard against falling into the sleep of unbelief. 


So Paul continues, “let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.”


Paul says the time has come for you to be aroused from your sleep, confess your sin, and cast off the works of darkness. And you should begin to do this through confession and absolution before those you have failed to love as before God. 


Now, while only six sins or works of darkness are listed within the Epistle, don't look for loopholes. They are ultimately linked as a chain to others. For where excess resides, immorality and wickedness often follow in your life. As the eyes of man stare wildly at another, not their own, so your hands, feet, and all your members are quick to follow into sexual sin. Likewise, jealousy, anger, and hatred manifest when quarreling exists -we can easily see this within the home or work. 


So, what are we to do? Pray as we did today, “Stir up Your power, O Lord, and come, that by Your protection we may be rescued from the threatening perils of our sins and saved by Your mighty deliverance.”


In other words, dear Jesus, rescue us from ourselves! 


And that is what Jesus processes into Jerusalem to do as the words of the prophet Zechariah are fulfilled, “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey.” (Zechariah 9:9)


Jesus enters Jerusalem to be led to the cross out of love for you, to fulfill the Law you cannot, to save you. As Luther writes regarding this procession of Christ, “Here there is no violence, no armor, no power, no anger, no wrath. . . . Here there are only kindness, justice, salvation, mercy, and every good thing” (AE 20:94).”


The great struggle for us is that we often fail to feel the love our neighbors have for us, and in return, we fail to show them the kindness, justice, salvation, and mercy that we receive from Christ Jesus. And I believe this is due to the reality that we attempt to love others apart from His cross. 


The gift-giving, the time with family, and the joys of traditions of the season are all beautiful gifts for us here on earth. But the truth is that apart from Christ and His cross, one cannot truly define, understand, receive, or give love to another as one ought.


That is because the love of Christ is manifested in the giving of Himself upon the cross of Calvary, and that changes everything. Because now, those who have been baptized into Christ Jesus know that they were baptized into His death, and just as Christ was raised from the dead, they put on Christ as they were raised to walk in the newness of life. 


Still, as you walk through this life and this season of Advent, there is wrestling that continues within your heart, it’s a grappling of sin, and this struggle should stir up your heart and voice to join crowds that first Palm Sunday is praying, “Hosanna to the Son of David,’ that is, save us now!”


And by doing so, your pleas confess and exercise your trust that Jesus can and will save you. 


Now, the four Sundays of Advent all have Latin names, and they do, in fact, call us to approach Christmas differently than the world. The name of the First Sunday in Advent has historically been called Ad Te Levavi (Odd T LeVaVee), and the name is derived from Psalm 25, “To You, O LORD, I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in You.” (Psalm 25:1)


As you journey through this Advent season, I want to encourage you to spend more time in prayer, not only alone but with family, friends, and this congregation. Because through prayer, you exercise the faith and trust Ad Te Levavi confesses. You learn to place your trust in Christ as individuals, as families, and as the body of Christ more deeply. 


Through your prayers, it will also be revealed that you cannot save yourself, put away your sadness, or gift your way out of turmoil and strife. 


Instead, your petitions will reveal that Jesus, your Immanuel, has saved you, put away all your sadness, and now He gives you the gift of Himself. He grants you His unfailing and enduring love here in the Sacrament of the Altar. 


So, as the days of Advent and life go on, when troubled and uncertain times appear, do not hesitate to call out, “Hosanna to the Son of David,’ save us now!”


Your Savior hears you, He has rescued you from your sin, and He will deliver you from this valley of sorrows and tears at His final Advent. +INJ+ 


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